Picture of Dancers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Contra Dancing?
Contra Dancing is a social dance peformed with a partner, and with another couple (a set). A caller provides instruction for each dance, which is performed to live music. Sets are lined up from the top of the hall, where the band and caller generally are located, to the bottom of the hall, which is usually the entrance. Each set performs a number of simple movements within their set and then progresses up or down the hall to join another couple in a new set. The Ithaca Hands Four has a great description of contra dancing.
Below is a video that illustrates some of the basic moves.
Is Contra Dancing Hard?
The steps of Contra dance are basically walking. If you can alternate moving your feet forward, you can Contra Dance. The movements are mostly familiar to anyone who has ever square danced: swing, allemand, do-si-do, promenade, etc. The caller usually walks through the whole dance, introducing new movements as they go. Most dances have a 15-30 minute session at the begining of the dance to introduce new dancers to the moves. Experienced dancers are pleased to help beginners learn and enjoy dancing.
Do I Need to Bring a Partner?
The tradition is to change partners after every dance. You do not need to bring a partner with you to enjoy a dance. New dancers are always welcome. You do not have to be a wallflower, waiting for someone to ask you to dance. Women ask men to dance as often as men ask women. If you are a new dancer, ask someone who seems to know what they are doing. It is easier to learn with an experienced partner.
I am a little nervous about dancing
Jane Kaufman had some great thoughts about overcoming chorophobia in her blog.
What Should I Wear?
Comfortable, smooth soled, clean shoes are a must on wooden dance floors. Clothing should be comfortable and light. Dancing is aerobic. Men often wear shorts and short sleeve shirts, even in the winter. Women (and some men) wear long skirts that are light and loose fitting.
Why Do We Contra Dance?
Contra Dancing is a great form of exercise, a wonderful social experience and just plain fun.
What if I make a mistake?
Everyone makes mistakes. It is part of what makes dancing fun and not callisthenics. If you miss something, just go on to the next. If you can't remember, swing your partner. There is an old saying, "It's only a dance."